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Ayurvedic Massage Benefits


​Strengthens the immune system


Calms the mind​


Improves circulation​


Removes tension


Supports digestion


Removes old age and fatigue


Improves eye sight​


Induces deep sleep​​


Strengthens the skin


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What is Ayurvedic Massage?


Ayurvedic massage is a key part of Ayurvedic therapy. Just as a machine needs to be oiled, the body loves to have its largest organ, the skin, soothed, which is why large quantities of warm therapeutic oils are used in Ayurvedic massage.


Its calm approach means that you are not only induced into a deeply relaxed state during the treatment, regular massage assists the body in self healing and generally makes life more joyful. Helping to keep at bay the effects that everyday stresses and strains can have on our mind and body.



Your Ayurvedic massage begins with a warm oil massage to work through any areas of tension or knots. Massage strokes vary from deep and active with strong pressure to superficial, delicate stroking or pinching/kneading of the small muscles with the finger and thumb. These follow the flow of energy channels and nerve pathways.


Marma Madana

Ayurvedic massage is performed with an acute awareness of the marmas and chakras. Marmas are vital points similar to acupressure points, and when manipulated correctly, they revitalise the entire body. There are 107 major marma points and it is at these areas that pain and weaknesses tend to congregate. The fingers are used to stimulate these points promoting physical and mental rehabilitation.



According to the ancient system of Tantra, the human body has seven subtle centres of consciousness, or chakras, five of which are specified along the spinal column, where the three major energy channels intersect. According to Ayurveda, each chakra nourishes particular organs and controls various psycho-physiological aspects of our being. When they are blocked, physical disease ensues.


Ayurvedic oil massage opens and cleanses these energy channels so the current can flow freely, helping to re-balance and release pent-up emotions. Reiki energy also flows through Sarah's palms during treatments, aiding this healing process and promotes deep relaxation.


Pinda Sweda

​Hot herbal poultices are applied to the body to increase circulation and aid a deeper penetration of therapeutic oils. Steam treatment helps to draw inflammation and toxins out of the body, relieving stiffness and swelling in the joints, reducing pain and improving movement.


Pinda sweda is beneficial for treating arthritis, excess body heat, water retention and tired, sore or aching muscles. 


Ayurveda regards each individual as unique so the massage techniques and therapeutic oils used depend on any presenting conditions. Please get in touch to check the contraindications for Ayurvedic massage if you have any concerns.

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What Can Ayurveda Help Treat?


Ayurvedic massage is therapeutically used for many conditions, as a cure or providing relief and recovery from:


  • Muscle and joint pain

  • Inflammatory conditions

  • Water retention

  • Bad posture

  • Asthma and other respiratory problems

  • Skin conditions

  • Excess sweating

  • Circulatory problems

  • Digestive disorders

  • Obesity and eating disorders

  • Stress, anxiety, depression

  • Exhaustion and lethargy

  • Migraine and headaches

  • Insomnia and sleep-related problems

Treatment Price List


Back Massage (60 mins) - £50


Upper Body De-Stress (90 mins) - £70


Back, Legs & Feet Massage (90 mins) - £70


Full Body Massage (2 hours) - £90


Indian Head Massage & Facial (45 mins) - £45



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